Artwork of Congressman Smith's 2023 Professional Judges
Jim Inzero | Debbie Jenscik |
Rich Thompson
Click here to read short biographies about the professional artists who judge Congressman Smith's Annual Art Competition & Exhibition
"Field Trip"
By: Rich Thompson |
By: Rich Thompson |
"AutumnGray '58"
By: Rich Thompson
“Victory Parade”
By: Debbie Jenczik |
"A Mother's Heart"
By: Debbie Jenczik |
"Hidden Transformation, Enduring Faith"
By: Debbie Jencsik |
"Called To Serve"
By: Debbie Jencsik |
"Tree of Life"
By: Jim Inzero |
"Shore Point Road"
By: Jim Inzero
"Close to Shore"
By: Jim Inzero |
"The Beginning"
By: Jim Inzero |